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Old Fri Dec 30, 2005, 02:07am
TimTaylor TimTaylor is offline
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I only saw the last couple minutes of the 2nd quarter, so I didn't catch the previous activity. During the 2nd half she seemed to behave OK, and did a heck of a job coaching her team. From what you described, her attitude was adversarial and confrontational, and I probably would have T'd her when she got up again after being reminded by your partner. As for the assistant, first time they get up or start chirping I'll firmly tell the head coach to get their bench under control - after that they get the T.

Since you stayed & watched our game, I'd be interested in your impressions of the coaches. White coach was actually pretty good most of the game. He really didn't like the back court violation I called in the 4th, but when blue knocked the ball loose I clearly saw it touch the white player's hand before it went into the back court & was recovered by white - guess he couldn't quite grasp the concept of team control. Blue's coach was another story entirely. In retrospect, we probably should have T'd him. It was at the point that another word from him to either my partner or I would have drawn an immediate T. His assistant didn't give me any grief, but at one point he was bending my partner's ear for most of a time out - don't understand why he put up with that. That said, blue did a great job coming from behind to tie the game with only a couple seconds left, then going on to win in overtime. Any comments or observations on what you saw would be appreciated.......

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