Having assigned myself I understand what can happen.
Let me be more precise:
Before we went to web based assigning our secretary did it all by hand, each umpire called in to get assignments, assignment changes were by phone, our assignor is also involved in the "Inter-league council" for establishing fees, he also handles all press calls, coach calls, fan calls, and disgruntled umpire calls, he is also a member of the Oregon State Officials Board (as a chairman).
The majority of our games are assigned by the assingor and thought goes into it. We also have a limited number of games that are listed under "self assigning."
I have no problem with the fees that the umpire members of our group pay. A critical issue is also tied to this: the assignor collects all game fess from schools (and summer programs) before we call a pitch at that school (team). We are then paid 8 times a year by the association and 1099'd at year's end.
This means we are NEVER stiffed and get paid every time for every game.
Our association also sponsers a four year baseball scholarship for the select scholar athlete as selected by our group each year.
We also fund a year end banquet and bring in an outside speaker.
We have had as much as $700,000 pass through the association during one year.
I have never worked in a situation where there is not a single person assigning and have never worked without an association of umpires.
Sorry for giving so much detail but I want the original question to include that our assigning Comissioner does not sit around and smoke cigars and eat bonbons all day.