Last night a fight broke out right after I had called a foul. It was my first fight in four years as a ref. The game was a boys JV game.
The two combantants were toe to toe swinging away. My partner and I along with the other players finally pulled them apart.
I knew who the two combantants were but as far as noticing if anyone came on the court, forget it, it was utter chaos for about 10 or 15 seconds. The fight took place directly in front of one of the benches so I think one of the coach came on the floor to help get his player under control. (I for one appreciated his help.) Because of my position when it started I was caught in the middle and had all I could do to keep from getting caught with a stray punch.
What should you do when a fight breaks out? Should one of the officails go directly to the table area just to observe both benches?