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Old Thu Dec 29, 2005, 03:32am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally posted by SMEngmann
Along a similar line, I heard of a situation in a BV game when a player was charged with 3 technical fouls, 2 for arguing by one official and then another for removing his jersey on the court. My question is: in Fed can you charge a participant with more than 2 direct technicals? I know Richie Powers long ago was disciplined by the NBA for doing just that. I can't find anything in the rule book that says you can't, so I assume that this is possible. I'm just glad it didn't happen in my game.
There is no rule restricting the number of T's...and there (correction) NEVER will be. Players are disqualified to the bench rather then removed from the gym (due to supervision requirements). Even though they're on the bench, they don't get a free ticket to do what they like after receiving two T's. If they get out of line while on the bench, the can get another.

[Edited by Camron Rust on Dec 29th, 2005 at 03:25 PM]
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