Here is a situation from one of our holiday tournament games earlier today (Girls Varsity):
Tie game, about 1 minute to play. Double bonus situation. A1 is fouled by B1 on the rebound. Official goes to report foul, and A's head coach strongly disagrees with the call. Official gives coach stop sign, coach continues on, technical foul. Coach is then seatbelted, and as official proceeds to report the foul and now technical, coach has more choice words, so second technical foul. He is ejected. Game continues, B shoots 6 free throws, makes 5, and wins by 5.
Here is my question: After the game, we discuss the situation. A few officials said only shoot 4 shots, 2 for the double bonus and a total of two for both of the technicals. The majority of us say seperate direct technicals by the same person (in this case coach) in a short time frame, shoot 2 free throws each for the technicals (4 total) and the two for the double bonus. However, just to settle the bet with a final word, I could not find a citation in the rule book that supported either position. Can any of you point me to the proper spot in the NFHS book that I can cite to everyone else? Maybe it was just a long day and we didn't look hard enough in the book. Thanks!