Tue Dec 27, 2005, 08:21pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Columbia, MD
Posts: 298
Originally posted by fonzzy07
Hey these are some questions that have come up many of them easy I'm sure so i thought I'd throw them out their. i am new and am trying to learn all I can about the rules so if you could also add a little explanation as to why the rule is the way it is, it would help me understand.
Thank you guys, You guys have already taught me alot
1. If the last part of a false double foul is a tech is it an alternation posetion throw in?????????????
No, penalize the fouls in the order they occured, the team that shoots the free throws for the T will get the ball at halfcourt. 4-19.9
2.I no that no electronical devices such as a telivision replay are allowed on the court, but what about at half time???
As far as I know replay is not allowed.
3. Does an indirect tec to a coach count as a team foul. So for example player 41 gets a tec that is a team foul but then since the coach gets an indirect his indirect is not a team foul rt?????
If 41 is bench personnel, then one bench T is assessed which counts toward team fouls and the coach gets one indirect T which does not count toward team fouls. 4.19.5e and 4.19.13 If 41 is not bench personnel, then the T is charged to him and counts toward team fouls. 4.19.5b and 4.19.13
4. Does an intentional foul only occur during a live ball
No. 4.19.3
5.if on a free throw being shot by A1 B1 fakes like he is going into the lane early and draws A2 into the lane is this a simotanious violation??????
No, violation on B1. Case book play 9.1.4 B is your play.
6. A2 commits an illegal screen on B1 while A1 attempts to dribble by the screen, which is Team A's eight foul. Do I give B1 the bonus
No, this is a change this year. Team B will get the ball for a throw in. 4.19.7 and 7.5.5
7. When play is resumed with a throw in of free throw with less then 3 thenths of a second left a player may not gain controll and try for a feild goal???????
A tap will still work
8. Is it a tec if A1 after throwing the ball in delays returing to the court?????
This has been changed to a violation. 9.3.2 and 10.3.3
9. A throw in following simultanious personal fouls is determined by the location of the ball when the fouls occured?????