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Old Wed Dec 21, 2005, 11:18am
booker227 booker227 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 122
I see a few things wrong. First, umpire mechanics. In my pregame, if I'm the PU, I take all traps in the infield and the BU takes all traps in the outfield, so that situation "shouldn't" happen. (but, you never say never) The individual duties must be cleared before the umpiring partners take the field, so problems, hopefully, don't occur.
If a situation like the above comes up as discribed, and I'm the PU, I'm not saying anything to any coach, instead, I'll call time, I'm go to my partner and confer with them to get the call right. I will ask them what it is they saw and if they are certain of the call. I will decribed to them what I saw, and we will come to an understanding concerning the call. If we agree that the ball wasn't a catch, then I will get the coaches together, describe the call and the outcome, and since this isn't an appeal play, I will position the players where I feel they would have been had the play been allowed to play out. I will not forecast outs against the offense. If my partner is adament about the call, and detailed in their description of it, I will back the call, and continue play.

"My goal as an umpire is to interpret and inforce the rules within the spirit of the game; in order to create a level playing field and allowing the better team to prevail."
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