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Old Tue Dec 20, 2005, 04:27pm
Blind & lovin' it Blind & lovin' it is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 47
break through your thin candy shell man!

If everything is black and white - nothing can be discussed. Imho clerical errors are to the actual game on the basketball court as Rocky is to Differential Equations 395 - they have very little to to with each other.

If you want to say we should call everything black and white and not question it - then why say anything at all?

Why not make it a violation for clerical errors (admistrative technicals)? I already know its "because its not in the book" - but lets expand our minds just a bit. Someone had to make the rules - they weren't etched in tablets by a burning bush.

Is there anyone else in the world that thinks the administrative technicals, if enforced as written, are a bit harsh? if not, I'm on the the next topic...

for the record - I call per the rule book. But that doensn't mean I stop thinking.

[Edited by Blind & lovin' it on Dec 20th, 2005 at 04:30 PM]
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but what you fail to realize is that what you heard is not really what I meant.