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Old Tue Dec 20, 2005, 12:59am
Dennis Nicely Dennis Nicely is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 27
Last week I observed a HS varsity game with 3 experienced officials. Situation: 8 seconds on clock Team A scores basket making score 70 to 67 with Team A in the lead. Prior to inbounding ball, Team B calls a time out. After time out, player B1 receives ball from official for throw in at base line under Team a's basket. Player B1 inbounds ball to player B2 who is in mid air and lands out of bounds along the same base line as B1. B2 then inbounds the ball to B3 who is at center court. Questions is B2 out of bounds landing on both feet out of bounds? None of the three varisty officials called a violation and Team B ended up tying the game and subsequently winning it? Was there a violation or was the throw in to B2 a good call.?
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