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Old Mon Dec 19, 2005, 03:38pm
CelticNHBlue CelticNHBlue is offline
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1. When your partner mis-interprets a rule, don't compromise your own integrity and go along/cover for his mistake.

I will be the first to admit that when I was in my early years (and I was 13 when I started) I had great difficulty over-ruling my partner (typically my parents' age). However, I learned quickly to overcome that issue, even at an early age. But it can be difficult and even intimidating to work with experienced partners, whom you may not know very well, which makes it difficult to overrule him/her even in a private conference. This would be inexcusable for an experienced veteran.

2. How about you Blues correcting these type of rules mis-interpretations without the coaches having to get involved? Football and basketball fix it.

There is no reason that we can not get together and fix this. Just as in these other sports, if an umpire believes that his partner has misinterpreted a rule, he should request a conference to review the rule interpretation to ensure the correct call.

...but I do have a problem with a Blue allowing an obvious mis-interpretation of the rules by another Blue without speaking up.

In any case, these corrections can not be made until the play is over (just like the other sports) and should not occur without an appropriate conference. All you can do follow the rules provided to correct the action.

It sounds to me, from your post and the two situations, that you ran into an inexperienced umpire not wanting to rub someone the wrong way and affect his future potential assignments. Unfortunately, this happens but that does not make it the rule when it is actually the exception. For each of the two examples you have provided, there are several where the situation was handled properly and professionally.
Wade Ireland
Softball Umpire
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