Originally posted by GarthB
I don't put any negatives in coaches minds during the plate conference and I don't tell them how to manage their players. Maybe in LL this is necessary, but many coaches above that level find it offensive. That's not a good way to start a game.
I strongly agree. I hate saying anything negative at a plate conference. I strongly encourage you to assume that the coach knows how to do his job and does not need to be reminded by the umpire.
I hate being negative so much that I generally ignore the FED mandate to say "Are all your players properly equipped?" I also ignore the required verbage about sportsmanship. They are supposed to know what that is without me telling them. None of this is a problem for me because I do not do many plate games in FED.
Now, if during the game, they show that they do not know what proper equipment and sportsmanship, etc. is, then and only then, do I deal with it.
To all you would be lawyers who say that I can be sued when someone gets hurt for not wearing a cup or whatever, I say, "Let them sue me." They will not win. Anyway, there is no audio recording of a plate conference.
My point is, people generally behave better when you assume the best about them. Negativity at the plate conference is a sure way to get off on the wrong foot. When my partner is the PU and engages in negativity, I assume a long list of negative things about him! Even if he tells me beforehand that the visiting coach is Darth Vadar, I assume that there is something wrong with my partner if he brings up anything negative at the plate conference. If the coach turns out to be a Darth Vadar, I will dispatch him with my light sabor by the second inning.