Originally posted by JCrow
I admit my calling "disconcertion" on the kid with a glass eye started the whole mess but I distinctly saw him fussing with his eye socket prior to the eye hitting the floor. I thought it was premeditated eye removal.
I learned after the fact that his Coach regularly uses this as a ploy in tight games. I feel really bad as this highly unsportsmanlike tatic worked PERFECTLY and through a series of unfortunate events won the game for the Glass Eye Team.
Sounds like we need to petition the NFHS for a rule change. It's now a technical foul if you remove your pants or shirt within the visual confines of the playing area. They should make removing an eye in the visual confines a technical foul too. Or, if the officials hesitate to call that a "T", you could make it a violation instead- something like "A player shall not have an eye out for an unauthorized reason".