Most of us live by the code "Thou shall
not speak ill of another official"
I work with a great group of officials that take this one step further: "Thou shall not speak ill of my partner!" That is, in reference to a spectator or coach trying to engage an umpire (whether he was involved with the game in question or not) into trash talking about another umpire.
I think this is possible because even those in the highest ranks of the system here take and accept comments and critisim (sp.) from their partners on and off the field. "Band of Brothers" -so to speak. In this open and honest format, rookie joe can go up to veteran bill and say something like "you know, your called strike 3 mechanic looks a little goofy from the stands" and both parties know that Bill will look a little sharper the next game...after an hour or so in front of the mirror, and nobody's pride was hurt or felt trampled on. I've learned more from this than reading case manuals and rule books...i don't know, have I started a new thread?