First off, you could have been a little more creative for the grabber if you didn't use the standard Rollie form which reads "Roland talked and talked and talked about [insert topic]. The problem is that despite all his talk, he didn't really say anything."
I mean which one of Rollie's articles could that not be said about?
On to the articles. First off, Rollie's article is the standard Rollie where he rambles on about nothing the entire time. He did try to sound like a big shot by dropping lines such as: "working national tournaments", "Internet Charley", "Jim Evans" and "Mr. Childress".
Your reply - Nice job pointing out that Rollie didn't say anything the whole article. I also liked when you pointed out that Rollie gave a list of things to think about while judging the play, but gave no insctuctions on what to do when one observes these things happen. The easy 4-6-3 where R1 is out by plenty shows why Rollies advice about just looking in the general direction of the play and focusing on nothing doesn't work.
Rollie comes back and again says to just look at the area of the play, referencing the 4-6-3 play from Blaine's article. Even though you set it up by saying R1 was out by plenty, Rollie wants us to stare in the general direction of second base so we don't miss an interference call. That's right, R1 is out by 12 feet, but we better watch and see if he interferes with F6's catch. Also, Rollie again drops phrases in the hope of making himself sound cool. This time he wrote "Hot Stove League" and "Jim Evans...personally told me".
Once again just more of the standard crap Rollie puts out.