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Old Fri Nov 16, 2001, 04:16pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Cool I'll give it a shot...

Taking this a step at a time - which we can do with the written play – imagine, you’re calling this game using the 1 umpire “system” – i.e. no partner – and you’re trying to go through this in your head to get it right after all the dust settles and before everyone goes completely berserk…

Situation: Bottom of the 7th, home team down by 1 run. Bases loaded, no outs. The batter hits a long fly to deep right center. R1 holds, but R2 and R3 are off with the pitch. R2 sees R1 on 3rd, so stops and starts back to 2nd. R3 is running with her head down and blows by R2 about 2 strides past 2nd base.

OK – R3 is now out for passing the runner ahead of her, so any further action by her are subject to the retired runner rule.

F9 makes a miraculous catch just before she runs into the orange safety fence. As F9 is going down with the collapsing fence, she flips the ball to F8.

Voluntary release, not officially in DBT – catch – BR is out – live ball.

In the meantime, R2 has retouched 2nd and is heading for 3rd just as R3 realizes that the ball was caught and turns to head back to 1st. F6 is going to cover 2nd and all three players collide about a step away from 2nd base. R3 scrambles up, retouches 2nd base and heads back to 1st.

Obstruction on F6. R2 is protected to 3B.

Meanwhile, the BR who thinks she has an easy triple is still chugging toward 2nd as R1 (I assume you meant R3) blows by on her way back to 1st. F6 manages to get to her feet in time to catch the relay throw from F4 just as R2 gets back to 2nd base. Meanwhile, R1 has tagged up and is heading for home. F6 seeing that she can't get R2 throws to F3 to get R3.

Interference – retired runner drawing a throw. R1 – closest to home - is out. So, now, the BR, R3, and R1 are out – 3 outs – inning over. The rest is confusion. No runs score. As the single umpire, you quickly dig out your cell phone and call for back-up.

R2 breaks for 3rd on the throw from F6 to F3. F3 catches the ball while standing on 1st just before R1 crosses the plate. R3 seeing F3 with the ball, stops and heads back to 2nd causing F3 to give chase. F3 throws to F6 who has moved about 3 feet in past 2nd base toward 1st. R3 collides with F6 just as she catches the ball and both go down in a heap. R2 rounds 3rd and seeing the pileup at 2nd base, heads for home. F4 runs in picks up the ball and tags R3 who is still lying on the ground just before R2 crosses the plate.

OK, guys and gals, what did I miss?
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