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Old Thu Dec 15, 2005, 10:24am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Since the other responders told you information that you already knew, NFHS allows different shooters to take the FTs, but didn't answer your real question of whether you should have given a replacement throw, I'll do my best to answer that for you.

NO substitute throw is justified.

Your mistake was an official's mistake not a correctable error. The same as administering personal and technical FTs in the wrong order. All merited FTs were attempted and no unmerited FTs were attempted. The FTs were shot at the right basket.

Did the right shooter attempt the first FT?

That is the coach's best rule to argue, but I believe that it is lacking. To your knowledge the right shooter attempted the first FT, since the kid told you yes when you asked him. You should have asked the captain or the coach, but you made a mistake and didn't. That is simply an officials mistake. The non-captain also made a mistake. The coach and captain also were mistaken for not speaking up and allowing the attempt. Plenty of blame to go around here.

I'll cite 8.7 Situation B as the reason for not allowing a substitute throw. Just give them a total of two and allow a change of shooters, as you did, for the second FT.

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