In the Big Ten the crew chief must fill out detailed rating forms on the whole crew, including himself. These must then be submitted to the assignor, and need NOT be shared with the crew members. Whenever I am a crew chief, I fill out the forms aside from the crew, then share them with the crew before I submit them to the assignor. That way the crew can't accuse me of "back-stabbing" because they know exactly what the assignor gets from me and why. If they want to defend their position they can do it with me before the assignor ever gets involved, and if the consensus of the crew is I rated unjustly I may change what I have written. I respect the ability of all of the Big Ten staff, and if three of those guys think I made a mistake in rating someone, odds are they are right.
The assignor then has the job of sorting out those ratings - and his rule of thumb is along the lines of "throw out the best one for the year and the worst one for the year, and the ratings should be pretty accurate"...