Thu Nov 15, 2001, 04:14pm
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Mid-Hudson valley, New York
Posts: 751
Re: No flags
Originally posted by ksandi
As a veteran of the Armed forces, although its good to see the general rallying of the public during a crisis, I feel that the patriotism is extremely misguided. There are many ways of displaying allegiance to our nation by citizens. Such as obedience to our laws, voter participation and various civic duties, these are far more meaningful ways of exhibiting public spirit.
I dont believe that its appropriate for anyone to mandate that a person wears a flag in anyway. This is America. People have the rights to decide for themselves how they choose to support the nation.
If any official chooses to wear a flag on his uniform, to me that would demean the accomplishments of the men & women who are putting their lives on the line everyday. Sports and politics ought to be kept separate.
Very nicely put, ksandi.