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Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 09:30pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by Rick82358
While I had the reputation of being trigger happy over the years I have cooled down and given less T's over the last several years.
{Grammar Nazi ON)

No - you've given fewer T's

(Grammar Nazi OFF)

Not really sure where I am on the scale. I gave out a ton while working intramurals, but chalked it up to the nature of the beast. Just starting my "real" basketball season, so we'll see how I am this year.

For the record, in football I had 7 (give or take) USC flags this season. Two were ejections for fighting, one was on a player for taunting (in the same game that had the 2 ejections), 1 was a chain crew/coaching staff ejection, and 3 were against actual coaches. All of the coaching USC's were in Youth football . . .
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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