Thanks man. I was told today - might take a year to get back to useful!
Originally posted by thomaswhite
Originally posted by heykid41
Well - too stupid to listen to my own body in July when the bloody thing was screaming at me - I have a disc in my back that has, much like ex-wives, become useless except to inflict pain. No baseball is the ONLY thing that is good about the sequelae to a disc protrusion onto the sciatic nerve. Knowing I have months to go to recover (bloody-well BETTER recover) is keeping me going!
So, Big Fella - no snow here on the West Coast - no baseball either (it IS winter)... and hoping I have the time to recover so I CAN get back on the field.
That really sucks. Best of luck to you and I hope you have a full recovery.
Thomas B. White
Shot in upper back and left to die, '67 'Nam