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Old Mon Dec 12, 2005, 08:51am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by BigUmp56


Questions asked by a newer umpire on rules, mechanics, etc..., are not interesting, right?
Not interesting to whom? No, they aren't interesting to me. They are (presumably) of interest to others. I have not deleted or closed any such thread that stayed (reasonably) on topic and remained free from the whining, snoping and trolling that has become all too frequent.

I can assure you that that is not the intention of this forum.
Tim, you've been here for only a couple of months. I don't think you can "assure" me of anything regarding the intention of this forum. To be clear, you might be right about the intent of this forum -- but you could be a little less antagonistic or condescending.

If you want to chase people away for not measuring up to some pre-determined qualification level, then you go right ahead and allow it. Eventually, this forum will suffer for it.
I don't think I've chased anyone away, and the number of posters I have requested Brad to remove can be counted on one hand.

Regardless of what you thought about the abandonment ~vs~ desertion thread, it sparked some great dialog between some of the more prominent members of this board.
Agreed. And, while I don't recall the current status of the thread, it remained open (and may still be open) for quite a while, while the discussion was taking place

However, you are mistaken if you believe that umpires come here to read a discussion about what cup a new guy wears, or how big his vastis medialis are, and how his old cup rubbed them "raw."
Reference, please. How are you omniscient about what all umpires come here to read?

What's next. New threads on bullet pencil prefferences, or stronger shoe laces?
If that's what gets posted and discussed, then, sure. Why not?

Tim, when someone posted a complaint about one of your early threads, you responded with something along the lines of "it's related to umpiring, I can discuss it." Yet now, there are posts that you find uninteresting and you (apparently) feel the need to whine about it. Don't you find that a little ironic?

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