Originally posted by BigUmp56
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by BigUmp56
Sure there was a message in those post's, Garth. They were to make a statement about how ridiculous the questions were that were presented to this board. Don't you think questions about what type of cup others use, or what type of vehicle someone drives to their games, or what color shirt they wear is a little childish?
I'm sure a (serious) discussion of each of those is at least as interesting to some posters as any of the other "little league" questions that appear from time to time and that you so vigorously defend.
You're missing the point big time, Timmie.
You don't get to decide what's ridiculous or not. The people that own this site and their moderators get to do that. The last time I looked the only persons here that you get to tell what to do are yourself and StevieSuperman.
Iow, quit trying to damnwell tell people here what to post or not post. Whointhehell do you think you are anyway? God?
I've never, I repeat, never told anyone what to post or what not to post on this board. I did suggest to Thomas that his copying of other peoples post's and re-posting them had the appearance of a scorned child making a post, but I certainly didn't tell him what to do.
I'll stick with my evaluation of you. This forum has now become McGriffs
Edited to add: I just finished reading all the posts made after your response at 10:32pm last night. I changed my mind. You and Steve aren't the only problems on this forum now. Unbelievable. You're only part of the problem. And I shouldn't be adding to the problem. Or be a part of the problem Adios. Back to the basketball forum with me.
[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Dec 12th, 2005 at 06:20 AM]