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Old Sun Dec 11, 2005, 10:13am
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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Posts: 870
Based on my 15 years of coaching experience, I will simply state that a certain percentage of the umpires that called my games would engage in some light banter about the weather, the schedule, the game, a play, etc.

I don't think I was "sucking up" to these umpires, any more than they were "sucking up" to me.

Depending on the game situation, such as a "blow-out-in-progress" there may have been discussions about certain specific mechanics of pitchers, fielders, batters, catchers, base-runners, etc. either during or after a game.

There are many other "neutral" situations that could deem such dialogs as "OK". Of course, there are just as many other situations where such dialog is not OK.

This comes under the category of Game Management. You need to know when it is OK and when it isn't. If you are in doubt, then assume it isn't. But never be so inflexible to adjust to the sitch.
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