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Old Sat Dec 10, 2005, 10:25am
Ref Daddy Ref Daddy is offline
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Re: Re: more info

Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by prohawg
This was an accident.
The player did not throw at coach intentionally.
The coach did not see it coming and was clearly in the coaches box.
There was a player in the corner that the throw was intended for.

I was right there and saw it all. Just want to know what the call is. I coach and whenever I see something odd like this, I try to find the right call. Thanks to all.
If this is the case, then the correct call by the book is a throw-in violation on the thrower for causing the ball to go OOB before being touched by a player either on or off the court.

When the ball hits the coach, who is standing in his box OOB, the ball is OOB, and since the coach is not a player the thrower has violated.

Give the opponents the ball.

I NEVER EVER EVER have do overs in an NFHS game.

I'm trying to noodle your thoughts. Interesting.

Advantage / Disadvantage angle: Changing possession suggestes thrower was put at a Diasadvantage (lost throw in opportunity) by the opposing team's coach .

Boils down to me - who has the primary responsibility ; Coach to get out of the way or player to avoid hitting the coach?

Do overs? Slang for "meriting another" as in
1) jump ball not strait
2) lane voilation by defense on free throw
"Sports do not build character. They reveal it" - Heywood H. Broun
"Officiating does not build character. It reveal's it" - Ref Daddy
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