Thread: Shin Splints
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Old Thu Dec 08, 2005, 07:33pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Ref_in_Rehab
When not wearing stripes I work as a physical therapist- I'm not a huge fan of over the net evaluation and treatment, but here are a few things I hope will be helpful.

Shin splints are basically an overuse injury to the muscles on the front of your shin that help control the impact of your foot hitting the ground when you are running.

They tend to act a lot like plantar fasciitis in that they bother you at the beginning of the season when you start doing a lot of running, etc. that you weren't doing previously.

Good shoes are a nice start, and if you pronate and/or have bad arches make sure you buy a good pair of shoes that will correct/support that or get some good insoles (Superfeet, Spenco, etc. are some good names to look for in off the shelf inserts). If you have no idea what pronation means and are having these problems, get yourself to a reputable shoe store and get some help finding the right pair of shoes.

When they first show up: remember rest, ice, gentle stretching, and anti-inflammatories can be helpful. The ice massage idea quoted above is great.

If they become chronic little buggers, continue the above things and try some gentle strengthening exercises- using a big rubber band or bicycle innertube and pulling your toes up toward your nose against light resistance 20-30 times until the muscle on the front of your shin get tired can be helpful as well.

If you are susceptible to this sort of thing, the best treatment is prevention- make sure you have good shoes, are in good shape, and have done some strengthening before the season begins.

Hope this helps!

The "strengthening" is where the exercises I recommend comes in. It is like weight-lifting for the shin muscles, and worked great for me. of course, ice, ib, and stretches help, too, but for permanent cure, I strongly recommend these exercises for a few weeks before the season starts.
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