Originally posted by rockyroad
Chuck - I believe they are archived at the ncaa.champadmin.whatevertherestofitis website...try checking there. Like I said, it was a few years back (could have been early 80's for as good as my memory is)...
Scott - hopefully whoever the R was didn't email "her" the rule. That probably wouldn't go over too well...a phone call with a "Hey, had a question about our post-game last weekend" would be much better (and not career suicide)... there's a reason why all us "veterans" tell the newer people to always nod and say "I understand"...
It was a veteran official. They discussed it and she told him to e-mail her the rules reference because they disagreed on the point. He could get away with it a lot better than I could have. I would have done what you suggested, nod & "I understand" .......