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Old Wed Dec 07, 2005, 02:43am
bigwes68 bigwes68 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 179
It's not an official's board, just a high school fan board. But every once in a while, people get on there and try to stir up trouble with the officials.

But W&S -- I'm reading 3-3-1d and still not getting it:

"If entry is at any time other than between quarters, and a substitute who is entitled and ready to enter reports to the scorer, the scorer shall use a sounding device or game horn, if, or as soon as, the ball is dead and the clock is stopped."

I understand that the substitute has to report to the table before he/she can be beckoned into the game. But I'm trying to find where in the rule it states that the substitute must already be at the table before the ball becomes dead in order to enter.

Example: A1 is called for his fourth foul in the third quarter. After the ball becomes dead, A's coach wants to substitute for A1 about the time the official is reporting the foul to the table. The substitute runs over to the table, checks in, and is ready to enter the game. But since the substitute was not already at the table before the foul was called and the ball became dead, can this substitute for A1 enter?

Apparently that's what some people have been calling, and I know that's just not right. Nowhere does the rule say that. But since all I have is just a rule book and no case book or official's manual, maybe I'm missing something. Just looking for clarification, and wanting to know if some officials in Tennessee are calling this incorrectly.
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