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Old Wed Feb 09, 2000, 05:37pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347

Star has been called alot of things and talked down to. That isn't right. Officials do effect the outcome of the game and some of us don't even realize it. Some officials get where they are politicaly and don't even belong so you have no right to talk about the game like you have it all solved. We've all "dogged" a call in our time but the attitude that we approach this with is very important. We can't act like we are untouchable and never at fault. Everyone has their own opinion but we as officials must examine ourselves and find out if we are where we need to be before we criticize a player. We need to ask ourselves questions like do we know the rules, are we in shape, do we look like we belong on the court, do we look good in uniform, do we know how to manage a game, do we know our primaries..............
Keep your head up Star and keep improving. I hope you don't let all this negativity leave a bad taste in your mouth.
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