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Old Tue Dec 06, 2005, 05:00pm
bigwes68 bigwes68 is offline
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Posts: 179
On a high school sports message board in Tennessee, some have been posting about a supposed "new rule" that states that a substitute may only enter if he/she is already at the table at the point the ball becomes dead. Furthermore, someone who is a timekeeper at one of the schools said that an official told him that he is NEVER to sound the horn to notify officials that subs are waiting at the table, that he will see them if he believes they should be allowed in the game, thank you very much.

I know something about all this just ain't right. I have read the substitution rules, and can't find anything to this effect, other than the rule about not beckoning a sub once the ball is about to become live or before a multiple free-throw attempt, as the case may be.

Am I missing something here? Or are there officials coming up with their own rules?
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