Thread: Movin' On
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Old Sat Nov 10, 2001, 08:44pm
M. Efird M. Efird is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 3
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Hey, All!

I live in Alaska, and have Umpired at levels up through American Legion Varsity. We have a good but small group of officials up here that have been to the Jim Evan's academy in Fla. and love the sport and love passing their knowledge on to younger officials. Through these guys I've had most of my training and inspiration to continue on. I not only love the sport, but I believe that Umpiring is absolutly the best thing I do (although i'm certainly not the best).
I've been reading these forums a little while, and noticed from time to time that people talk about being in a (i cant remember the exact wording) "league" of umpires where they have to work their way up to varsity levels, and such. My question to u is...

I'm moving to Washington (seattle-ish)in May, and want to "dive right in", so is there anyone in that area on this forum that can tell me who to talk to?
Thanks for the help
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