Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by Ref-X
You must be kidding. If that is the case sex offenders should not have to report at all. They should be allow to run unchecked and lets just hope they dont assault any other children in there travels. I know you can not do anything about those who have never been caught but it is our responsibility as parents and adults to try protect our children form those who have a history of this type of crime. I dont know about you but I would not want my children in the same room with a child sex offender. And if I can prevent I will.
Having a sex offender in a room or not is not going to guarantee that your kid or any will not be violated or killed for that matter. I think sometimes we get hysterical about things that really are a concern. I can think of a couple of cases where children were taken directly out of their homes (with their parents at home) and both cases the parasites that abducted the children were not previously convicted of anything. If someone wants to violate your children you might not know who they are or where they come from.
Rut, I completly agree. You never know who's going to jump out of the weeds and be the "next new" offender. I do believe though that an ounce of prevention is valuable.
My wife and I directed the Children's Ministry for our church for several years. We went to a few seminars and at one of them they discussed this topic. Even "IF" this offender is rehabilitated, why put them in a situation where if someone made a claim against them they would NEVER EVER beat it in a court because of their history. We instituded an interview process, questionair and background check for teachers. We did lose a couple of teachers over the years which made our responsibility for that class tougher but it was better to be safe. Statistics show that a sexual offender will strike more than once.