Originally posted by zebraman
After 10 aimless posts by Rutledge in this thread, I'm still not sure what his point is. But that is par for the course. 
Our state checks for all felonies. However, I don't fear my son being around an official with a DUI conviction because my son isn't going to get a ride home with him and I don't think that alcohol is served at the HS concession stand. I do have a problem with a sex offender being an official for obvious reasons.
Most sex offenses are committed by people that know the victim well. You know, the uncle, boyfriend, step father, step mother, aunt, teacher, priest or family friend. Most sex offenses are not committed by strangers or people the victim does not know.
If you are worried about some unknown official that has never met your kid that is your right to feel that way.
I do not know about you, but many of the places I go I leave town the same way that the bus leaves. If someone is drinking and has a history of doing so, yes it is possible that they could come in contact with your kid's bus. Once again, this is not something I worry about but I found your point silly. I just think other factors should be considered to allow someone to officiate around kids. Sorry that offends you to say that. I guess it is par for the course that you actually think I care what you do out in your state or what you are worried about in your daily life. I am not moving there anytime soon or ever. So what I say should not affect you. I can only image what people will say to your face that will upset you if comments on a computer offend you so.