Originally posted by Ref-X
This man was convicted of assault and battery and RAPE of a minor. Should he be allow to work with kids?! Your telling that this is ok with you?
Now I know that kids today face alot of dangers. But this is one of them. And this is a small thing to HELP keep them safe.
You say that just because a sex offender is in the same room with a child does not mean something will happen. There is no garntee that it won't. So why take the chance?
No we can not prevent everything, but don't you think we should try to do what we can?
I don't know if you have childern or not but wouldn't you want to TRY to keep then safe??
I did not realize we were talking about a specific person or situation. I know I was not talking about a specific person. Every situation is different. All I said (if you actually read what I said) was I feel that there is hypocrisy in these background checks that that only thing we seem to worry about is drug possession/conviction and sex offenders. I think a lot of other crimes should be considered as disqualifiers or at the very least having to give out that information. I would think anyone that has committed a felony should be suspect to officiate anything. Now if your state considers everything I stated that is great. My state considers only two types of convictions as disqualifiers. I know if I fill out a job application a common question is "Have you been convicted of a felony?" Then if the answer is yes you have to describe what kind of felony and the circumstances. All our state wants to know (according to the policy that is written) are sex offenses and drug offenses. I would think stealing, assaults and multiple and DUIs might be a concern too. I guess the only thing we can concern ourselves with are people that hurt children in a sexual way or with drugs. I guess violent people and thieves are OK to have around our children.