Originally posted by zebraman
Shouldn't we do all we can to try to protect our kids? We'll never be able to prevent everything, but isn't it kind of stupid to allow sex offenders to officiate and be around kids? I hardly think it's hysterical for parents to want to prevent their kids from being around convicted child offenders. You have had tried to make many ridiculous points on this board, but this might be in your top ten.
I personally do not care what you think. If you do not like what I said, sue me. You always overreact to things I say when first of all they are not directed at you or about you personally. If you feel a background check is going to protect your kids any more than other actions and what you teach your kids not to do, then so be it. I just find it funny we worry about these issues when there are other things that I would be concerned about when it comes to people being around kids. I know I would not want other criminals around children, but we only worry about the child molester as if they only way kids can be hurt are by a child molester. Not a gang member or a person with a violent history, just sex offenders and people with drug possessions. Not gun dealers or drunks, just sex offenders and people that had a dime bag of marijuana.
Originally posted by zebraman
With your logic, we shouldn't even bother to jail convicted murderers because murders might still happen.
Typical Z always exaggerating the issues that I decide to talk about on this discussion board. I know you will not find any post where I said we should not jail people. But that does not stop you from saying it. I just said we have hypocrisy in this policy, nothing more and nothing less.