Originally posted by JRutledge
Having a sex offender in a room or not is not going to guarantee that your kid or any will not be violated or killed for that matter. I think sometimes we get hysterical about things that really are a concern. I can think of a couple of cases where children were taken directly out of their homes (with their parents at home) and both cases the parasites that abducted the children were not previously convicted of anything. If someone wants to violate your children you might not know who they are or where they come from.
Shouldn't we do all we can to try to protect our kids? We'll never be able to prevent everything, but isn't it kind of stupid to allow sex offenders to officiate and be around kids? I hardly think it's hysterical for parents to want to prevent their kids from being around convicted child offenders. You have had tried to make many ridiculous points on this board, but this might be in your top ten.
With your logic, we shouldn't even bother to jail convicted murderers because murders might still happen.