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Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 04:57pm
Ref-X Ref-X is offline
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Posts: 102
Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by Ref-X
To be very honest I am not the biggest advocate of the background check. But I’m a parent and if checking my background and everyone else in my association helps keep our kids safe from those who prey on children then sign me up.

Guy like this can always officiate adult rec. But keep him away from the kids. Please!!
What are you going to do about the guys or gals that have never been caught? Are you telling me that a background check is going prevent a child from being abducted or violated in any way?

We can not do any thing about Criminals that have not been caught.

There was a guy recently in my county that was convicted of sexual assault of minors while running a gymnastics academy and had been accused of about 10 girls and was accused of about 20 more. He was not a sex offender by law until many girls were violated.

When he get out, if no one ever checks his background he could do the same thing over again. The background is not going to stop those who have never been caught. it is to keep those who have from having the oppertunity to do it again.

Then I have known of situations where a teacher (coaches) was released from a job because the teacher carried on affair or relationship with a student. In a couple of cases the schools found out about the relationships and let the teacher go from their job, but no charges were brought up by the police or any record of the activity. Then the coaches/teachers go to another school and hang around a bunch of children.

I personally do not have a problem with background checks, but to assume that is going to prevent those to commit crimes against children is rather naive if you ask me.

You must be kidding. If that is the case sex offenders should not have to report at all. They should be allow to run unchecked and lets just hope they don’t assault any other children in there travels. I know you can not do anything about those who have never been caught but it is our responsibility as parents and adults to try protect our children form those who have a history of this type of crime. I don’t know about you but I would not want my children in the same room with a child sex offender. And if I can prevent I will.

IT's up!! It's GOOOD !!!