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Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 03:08pm
Forksref Forksref is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by lucky1313
We let officials with speeding tickets and DUI's officiate. It has been 17 years, how long does he have to "pay for his crimes?"
When they are sexual crimes against minors, the answer to your question is "forever". Sex offenders do not get rehabilitated, in my layman's opinion.

Speeding tickets and drunk driving have nothing to do with officiating. You're talking apples and oranges. You want tougher sanctions against drunk drivers? I'm right with you on that, brother. But those issues are separate from allowing sex offenders to interact with children. I don't see the hypocrisy that Rut mentions, at least in this particular case.
I, too, have a problem believing that sex offenders ever get "cured." Background checks are coming to officiating I am sure.

Once you commit certain crimes, you should expect that doors will be closed to certain things.