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Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 12:23pm
ljudge ljudge is offline
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Originally posted by waltjp
I held the chains for the 8:00 game at Giants Stadium on Friday night, Don Bosco vs. St. Peter's. A South Jersey crew worked the 5:00 game, Hoboken vs. Verona. I didn't catch their names.
How'd they do? I know the whole crew and they do a real nice job. The referee starts his 2nd term as our chapter president. He was our president in 2000-2001 and was elected again. A very polished referee and very helpful to younger officials. He just left his college post and works high school ball full-time. His U still works NCAA.

Tpaul - here's someone on your crew from the Sauken / Gami game.... the courier post comes to many SJ games.

Here's yours truly from Thanksgiving day (Camden v. Woodrow Wilson) The kid getting sacked (Antwine Perez) was recruited something like #2 in the nation. Going to USC to play for Pete Carroll. (They cut me in half)
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