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Old Mon Dec 05, 2005, 12:51am
ace ace is offline
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Boys Varsity Tournament this weekend... some teams pulled out right before so we had some JV teams playing...

and just fyi: a coach should not get warned more than once.... like an official I worked with this weekend
"a coach isn't going to get 3 warnings , 1 from each. if you warn him, let us know"

Wrong way to handle a vocal sub-varsity coach:
"This is a varsity game coach, you'r not going to get that call."

Here's what I did with a similar coach.. let him talk. let him count 3 seconds... let him call travel, just ignore him... if something warrants attention, give it ot him , listen more than you speak. you can't quote silence.. "yes sir, i'll be looking" I'm not gunna lie - pop his team with something he's companing about and he'll shut up. I don't do that practice but i've seen some officails do it. But when he starts asking why he can't get a call, just ask him "coach, what exactly are you asking me?"

and if he crosses the line or won't let something go?
"Coach thats enough, this is your warning"

make it as stern as you need to.

I learned this a little too late in my early years - wait to whack a coach... make sure he gets loud enough or stupid enough so that when you do T him everyone and there momma in the gym knows why. If your partner is having a hard time with a caoch and your waiting to inbound - hit the whistle real quick to get your partners attention that your gunna put the ball in so that you can get the coach off his ***...
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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