I'm going to be an intramural basketball season this winter at my college (I know - I violated the first rule of officiating - never do rec games). We had an on-floor mechanics clinic tonight, and we covered the ever-present Block/Charge call.
The head official takes the role of defender, and starts showing how a player becomes set to take the charge. He showed a player standing still with both feet on the floor. I then pointed out/gently asked about the defender backing up at the time of contact. The reply: the defender must be set - not moving in any direction at the time of contact.
I then tried to go past the issue by asking if that was just a rule modification for our league. The reply (by several people) was that that is how the rule is at all levels.
Of course, I really started to think I was going insane, and started trying to explain the whole concept of coming set, and then being able to move with the ball-handler (ie., he can move back at the time of contact if he is moving at about the same speed as the offensive player). Still, everyone argued that to take a charge the defender must be fully set with both feet on the floor.
We play NF rules (which I don't think any of them have ever seen a copy of). PLEASE, someone tell me that my interpretation was right!
Also, we have scrimmage training tomorrow, should I try to bring this up again? If so, how would you recommend going about it? Show them the rule and casebook? Or maybe something else?
Sorry about the ranting and raving - this board is just good therapy.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."