Thread: What if?
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Old Fri Dec 02, 2005, 10:04am
Antonella Antonella is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 120
Originally posted by Rachel
R1 on 3rd, R2 on 2nd (a real speedster). Passed ball. Runner scores, and after she has crossed the plate the ball is retrieved by the catcher and thrown to the plate. The ball hits R1 who has already crossed the plate but there could have been a play on R2 who was about 4' from home.

Does it matter how far away from home R1 is?
Does it matter if you feel it is intentional?
What if she has just crossed the plate?
Rachel, speaking ISF:
First of all I think about:Rule 1 Sec. 47. INTERFERENCE.
Interference is the act of an offensive player or team member that impedes, hinders, or confuses a defensive player
attempting to execute a play.

Debeau, you could be right 100% ONLY IF you assume R1 is STILL a runner (after she touched home plate... is she still a runner?)...
m. When he interferes with a fielder attempting to field a fair-batted ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown

In this case (and only IF you assume R1 is no more a runner) I would apply this:
n. When, after a runner, batter or batter-runner has been declared out, or after a runner has scored, the runner,
batter or batter-runner interferes with a defensive player’s opportunity to make a play on another runner. A
runner continuing to run and drawing a throw will be considered a form of interference.
NOTE: The runner closest to home plate, at the time of the interference, will be called out.

If you decide to apply the last one (and I personally would have done so)... well, Rachel: the answer to your question n°1 is NO (the rule says 'opportunity to make a play' - that is a larger option instead of 'to make an out').
The answer to your question n°2 is NO, again (see what Rule 1 Sec.47 says - no intentionality is required then).
The answer to your question n°3 is... uh... who is 'SHE' - dis you mean R2?

Of course this is JMHO - I'm perfeclty aware this a controversial point...

Ciao ciao
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