Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by rgaudreau
Think back and consider whether, or not, your partner was clear with the one-and-one signal before administering the ball.
This is an excellent point. I train new officials for our local rec league and they are all high school kids. They ref anywhere from 3rd grade up. It's almost impossible to schedule an experienced official with a new kid for those games, because the experienced guys all want to do our HS league (or at least 7th and 8th). To compensate for this, we stress proper mechanics to avoid confusion such as this, and emphasize having young players understand the terminology of the game at our coaches clinics. Coaches are told to teach all terms, including one and one, 3 seconds, how to request a timeout and to not stop playing until they hear a whistle, etc.
A wise person once said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I don't think it was Bobby Knight, though. Or Rasheed Wallace, for that matter.