Originally posted by garote
I referee in Utah and this year it has been very strongly pushed that we keep the coaches in the box.
What prompted this is, a lot(not all) of us used the philosophy if they are coaching their kids I don't mind them out of their box.
It has been stated by the High School Assn. that if we don't call it. The box will go away.
Interested in two things here. 1) What's your state doing? 2) Do you agree???
[Edited by garote on Dec 1st, 2005 at 05:48 PM]
Our state places a high importance on managing the coaches box. At the state tournament, officials who do not do a good job of managing the box don't do well. If you don't make it a part of your skill set during the regular season, you can't just "turn it on" at the state tournament. If you work on managing the box, it becomes a skill just like managing the clock.
A lot of officials think that keeping coaches in the box means that you wait until they run 8-feet out of the box and then whack them. If you are managing them the whole game (which starts in the pregame conference when you tell them where the box is to let them know that you'll be watching), 99% of them won't push their limits.