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Old Thu Dec 01, 2005, 09:07pm
ManInBlue ManInBlue is offline
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Re: What exactly should be done?

Originally posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Are you referring to the "secret signals" thread? I believe that TAC stated that this same thing has been discussed 937 times here and elsewhere. To recap: Secret signals are stupid. They will soon be discovered and coaches will watch for them to know when to argue.

If you are talking about the overzealous father, a few others have pointed out that it has very little (actually nothing at all) with umpiring. If it is just an excerpt from 'Life's Little Lessons', then I suggest you pick up that book. The story, while sad, is old and pointless. I think someone else is going to post a story about a Dad who allows his child to drink and gamble and another will have a tale about allowing your children to use drugs. Both have very similar conclusions and NOTHING to do with baseball or umpiring.

As far as the grammar, spelling and writing style goes, we can only take someone on their written word. Mistakes happen and a few people came apart at the seams about one partcular writer. Their mistakes don't count and they never seem to admit them. When their hypocrisy was called to their attention, the topic disintegrated. I'm sorry to inform you that while umpires are supposed to have thick skin and communicate better, some have not summited that mount yet. Criticism and the ability to argue well are elements of officiating. When all else is lost, remember the old adage - sticks and stones...

[Edited by WhatWuzThatBlue on Dec 1st, 2005 at 05:31 PM]
I'm very new here. However, I find it ironic that you post such a reply to this. From what I've seen you are a big part of the problems to which he is referring. When someone, who you obviously don't care for, posts on any subject you light into him. When he replies, you begin to mention how ridiculous the idea could be, how this person has no right to comment...I've seen several posts that started out with something to educate the massses and offer an educated discussion turn into a name calling play ground brawl between you and whomever.

I also find it to be rather pretentious of you assume you know of which threads he speaks. Just because you find a thread pointless, doesn't mean everyone does. He may very well be talking about the OBS/INT thread that has turned sour. Or a multitude of others that have you and Carl, or you and ??? going at each other.

I dont' pretend to know you, or your ability. However, from what I've seen since I've been here, you are being extremely hypocritical to make these statements. I have seen several posts by you that are just as much you not admitting you are wrong as what you are pointing out about others.

I may not have your expierence, or rules knowledge, but I don't pretend that my opinion is the only correct one. Thick skinned? I don't think so. Thick skin allows things to roll off, leaving you unaltered by their presence. You seem to be very thin skinned because you HAVE to offer your opinion, even on threads to which you have nothing to add, and you cannot let comments go.

Talk about "grow up?" Drop it already. If your comments get a rise from someone, they respond, and on and on. Be the man, let it go. The world won't end if you don't get the last word in.

You now can have the last word - I'm finished with my addition to this thread.