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Old Thu Dec 01, 2005, 06:28pm
Lapopez Lapopez is offline
I hate Illinois Nazis
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 157
Originally posted by mcrowder
I give up. I may come back come baseball season, but for now, I give up.

Several topics recently have had initial posts that were at least interesting enough for me to begin reading them. Then, maybe 3-5 posts actually related to the initial subject. Then, invariably, someone (often the same person) either has to bother to post that in his opinion the topic he's replying to is not worthy of a reply. Someone else has to then throw in an insult. Then the invariable attacks on grammar, spelling, and one's parenthood or lack thereof.

This is stupid. There is no better word for it. I feel like I've walked into the chat rooms of a bunch of 11 year olds on AOL in the early 90s.


For me - this place no longer holds any interest. It used to be a great place to learn, discuss plays, and argue the finer points of the rules.

Now - it's WORSE than Esleeze or McGripes. I'm out.
It is so ironic to me that you are the one who makes this post. I rarely post. I mostly lurk and just try to learn. After generating a thread a couple months ago, two names remain in my head--one of them being yours. It was after that that I rediscovered Eteamz. I couldn't have been happier to find one of the most constant contributors there. (He always signs with his first name.) I had wondered where he had gone, having read much of his writing about 7 years ago on McGriff's before the degeneration of that site. I had wondered why he didn't contribute to this site. I'm sure your post is not personal, nevertheless, I think it is an insult to him.