Thu Dec 01, 2005, 02:04pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by mj
Originally posted by mick
On the line, or 20" over the line, same ol', same 'ol. (as JR pointed out.) The spirit, of being 1/2-in or 1/2-out, 7/8-in or 1/8-out, does not bring with it a distance measurement. If the players were not allowed to step on or over the line without penalty, the gyms would have boards (without the ice or sticks).
I got nothing here. All the examples I have seen involving this penalty change deal with running around screens.
Would you have called this play a T last year?
No, mj. I surely wouldn't have called a technical, or any defensive violation, last year, or this year.