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Old Sun Jan 23, 2000, 06:45pm
KDM KDM is offline
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Posts: 68

Originally posted by star_01 on 01-23-2000 04:13 PM
I'm sorry if I offend any of you. There are some very good refs out there, but some are just bad. Yesterday I had a basketball game. The refs were horrible! They called traveling on me when I made a basket. I watched the tape over and over again in slow motion and it wasn't traveling. And my friend took and awesome charge and they called bloking on her! She was set and didn't lean into at all! They wouldn't call fouls on the other team when we were shooting and they called a foul on me on a jump ball. And what really screwed us over was that they wouldn't give us a time out in the final seconds when they should have. My coach was so mad and my friend even cried. I tried so hard in that game and it went for nothing because two dumb refs couldn't call a fair game. To you, a game is you go out blow your whistle at times and go home. To us, the players, basketball games are what we look forward to. They are what we practice for 3 hours after school everyday for. And it is not fair for someone to blow a game for us that isn't even on our team. I am not making excuses for my teams mistakes but I think that it is a refs job to call a fair game. Is that too much to ask for?


I hope most of us will NOT be offended. And we should all agree that there are good refs and bad refs.

In your game, you learned a valuable lesson. It's called LIFE 101. As you experience more and more, you'll find that things will happen to you that is outside of your control. Part of the time it may work against you, and part of the time you may benefit from it. Basketball, while being a participation sport, is also a reflection of life.

Officials, like players and coaches, are not perfect. I bet if you watch the entire tape, you'll see other calls that the officials missed. I'll offer words of wisdom for you and your teammates, "be thankful that you had refs that cared enough about the kids and the game to be there so that you could participate!" I want you to know that we realize that we are going to miss calls. That's part of officiating --- but we do try to be fair. And that's including even the 'bad' refs!

Somewhere down the line, maybe not tomorrow or next week, you will receive the good fortune of somebody's bad judgement. When it happens, accept it honorably, but remember the'hurt' you feel now ---- because somebody else will be in your shoes and they will be feel your 'hurt'!

I can tell you from many years of officiating (and I have worked with people not only from my state, but from outside my state) that I have NEVER worked with anyone that PURPOSELY tried to miss a call. Try to accept it, because you can't change it.


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