Originally posted by Jerry Blum
I would say that this would be a judgement call. If as you say they are completely straddling the line, meaning that they voluntarily went out of bounds to stop the player it should be a violation per the new rule. However, I would think that if this same play occurs and the defender just happens to put their foot on the line then I probably wouldn't call the violation.
If others have case plays that differ my interpretation please post so I can change my thinking on this.
I'm always looking for ways to assert generalizations that predict 'interpretations'. The Rules Book could be 1/2 as long, 2wice as clear . . . and some people would be out of a job . . .
In that spirit, IMHO there is no judgment called for here, nor in any other case that involves being out-of-bounds. The boundary lines are out of bounds. You aren't just a little bit on the line when you turn the ball over for stepping on a line while you dribble . . .