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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 30, 2005, 05:54pm
MN BB Ref MN BB Ref is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 109
I'm also a MN ref although I work in the Twin Cities. I had my first varsity game of the season last night (actually a JV/V tilt) and it was really nice to get back on the court. Like many have expressed previously, we worked as a 2 man crew last night although about 1/3 of the games I'm working this year will be 3 person crews.

Its interesting to hear that Rochester has such a shortage of qualified BB refs. Here in the Twin Cities you have to wait about 5 years before you start to receive varsity contests. Living in the southern metro area I would be more than happy to help out my neighbors to the south by working games in your area. As an aside, my son has been reffing games for 5 years now and next year he'll be going to college in Rochester. He would love to get hooked up with a good association to work games down there. Are there any you can recommend so I can start to grease the skids for him?

Thanks and have a GREAT season everyone!
Yo Lama....How about a little somethin' for the effort...
--Carl Spackler
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