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Old Wed Nov 07, 2001, 11:03pm
bigwhistle bigwhistle is offline
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The visiting coach was trying to play gamesmanship with you. The game is for the players and the spectators. If the announcements run over by a minute or two, ignore it and then kick the game off.

The same thing goes for half time that runs long. There are in many instances more people at the game who are there to see their son or daughter in the band or drill team as are there to see the game itself. If you penalize either team for the excessive length of time of half time, you are doing a disservice to the spectators and the players who had nothing to do with the situation.

Play the game, and if one coach wants to cry, listen, commiserate with him, and tell him that the game needs to be decided on the field.

Notify your scheduling authority about the lengthy half time, and let them worry about that type of administrative situation. There is enough to worry about between the lines to get upset about something this trivial.
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